
Showing posts from April, 2017

When should I say NO?

When you keep saying yes to people, you are selling your right to happiness -  Sarah Chiejile  For many years, I was living a life that I thought was mine but wasn't. How sad can that be? Very sad. This is what happens to someone who wants to please everyone. That was who I was. I was the type that don't want to say NO to anybody so that you won't get mad at me. So that I won't be tagged a snub. Well, I was doing myself a disservice thinking I was been real.  This happens till I entered college and from my interactions with so many people, one of them actually noticed this character and had to sit me down and speak to me. He asked me if I know what my problem is? A question to which my answer was negative. He said 'your problem is you don't know how to say NO'. Those words, though not lengthy, sank deep into me and I had to sit down and think about who I really am and made adjustment where necessary  saying NO when I need to and saying YES when I ne...